18 November 2008

Crepuscular Fanatics

Originally uploaded by Melissmatic

Everyone is working themself into a frenzy waiting for the movie. Only 1 day and 22 hours left!

Flickr Photo Fun (Thing #5)

Twilight Party Craft @ Pan Am
Originally uploaded by Melissmatic

Flickr is really easy to use and makes everyone look like a professional photographer. This photo is from last weeks Twilight Party at the Pan American Library. Edward Cullen, why aren't you real?

17 November 2008

Exploring the Blogosphere Causes Paranoia (Thing #4)

As suggested, I click on the link to The Annoyed Librarian in an attempt to explore the blogosphere. Right out of the gate and I hit a landmine of useful information.
Because of these times everyone has been talking about job security and here at the library everyone is like, "We don't need to worry, we work for The City, harharhar." Well boys and girls, we need only refer to the annoyed librarian's blog to get a big dose of reality. According to an article in the Library Journal, the Free Library of Philadelphia is closing 11 of 54 branches and getting rid of 111 library jobs due to the recession, but, said the mayor, "core" services of the city will preserved.

28 October 2008

Do you love Hello Kitty? (Thing #7)

Thanks to a patron at the library, I've learned of another FREE e-mail account to suggest to people without one. Go to www.sanriotown.com to sign-up for an address ending in @hellokitty.com!
It includes 500mb of space (is that a lot?) for mail and also a blog account, games, downloads, and Dream Studio, so you can upload and edit video and pictures.

24 October 2008

The Putzfrau writes a web log (Thing #1-3)

This blog is in response to the mysterious 23 Things.

Did you know there are actually 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learners? Cool. As an insanely curious person, I plan on learning forever. I thought everybody wants that, but I guess not, otherwise we wouldn't need to learn about learning.

The hardest habit to brake is number 6: "Use technology to your advantage". I've always been under the ASSumption that technology is for computer geeks. I haven't included tech stuff on my list of lifelong learning goals--I guess I'm living in the wrong century. I need to get with the program.