24 October 2008

The Putzfrau writes a web log (Thing #1-3)

This blog is in response to the mysterious 23 Things.

Did you know there are actually 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learners? Cool. As an insanely curious person, I plan on learning forever. I thought everybody wants that, but I guess not, otherwise we wouldn't need to learn about learning.

The hardest habit to brake is number 6: "Use technology to your advantage". I've always been under the ASSumption that technology is for computer geeks. I haven't included tech stuff on my list of lifelong learning goals--I guess I'm living in the wrong century. I need to get with the program.


Anonymous said...

I'm learning how learners learn!

Who knew!

/me calms down long enough to "type the characters you see in the picture above".

Froglady said...

What is a PUTZFRAU?????? Looks like German to me. I'll ask my husband who spent 7 years in service there.